Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Need some ice for that BURN!?

Today at lunch I decided that I would go tanning so that when I go to Mexico I'll already have a little tan so I won't have to worry too much about sun screen and what not. Good idea? I thought so. I ended up going to this tanning place right around the corner from my work and the lady put me in this "awesome bed. No one ever burns in it and its 10% healthier for you skin then the other ones. Plus it is our special this month so its half off." Thinking I had a good deal I went on my way. Yeah pretty sure I know why its half off. I am burnt like a marshmellow! Could not believe it, looked in the mirror and I was all blotchy; had the awesome goggle lines and was dying from the hottness of the burns. It would have been okay if I didn't have to go back to work. What a disaster! I scrummaged through my purse looking for a miracle and found a tube of concealer. I began to color my face in hopes of looking somewhat normal and headed back to work. Of course my office has to be one that everyone always goes through and I find myself hiding everytime someone walks in. Not practicle, but what else can you do.

Here's to trying not to get burned in Mexico.

1 comment:

The Durr's said...

AH that's the worst. Don't worry the same happened to Chris! When you guys leavin for Mexico?