Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Something always has to go wrong...

Every wedding has to have something go wrong right? As for mine Jon and I went to pick up his tux to receive a blue tux instead of his creme color that we ordered. Naturally I was historical since they weren't doing anything to accommodate their mistake and only got threatened to have the cops called on me because I was being "hostile." My friends wedding I think it was the grooms dad (is that right Shan?) the bottom of his shoe fell off that he rented! Really when else would a bottom of the shoe fall off besides a wedding right? Or perhaps the cake decorator got the dates wrong and you ended up having to get a cake from costco. Something always has to go wrong at a wedding right? Or else it just would be a wedding.... however I came across something today that beats everything I have ever heard. Take a little look...


beth said...

audrey's florist backed out last minute because her husband surprised her with a trip to hawaii for valentines day. so, on the day before valentines day, when roses are most expensive, audrey had to buy roses and vases from costco.

Amanda said...

That's an awesome video, lol. B and I got to the Temple without our marriage license, that was fun. :)