Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Yes I am a huge survivor fan and I have to say half way through this season I was beginning to wonder if it was even worth watching anymore.

Crystal I could not stand. Me being an athlete was disgusted with her so called gold medal capabilities and after the first challenge where this gold medal athlete had to be pushed/carried up the hill by non- Olympic champion was embarrassing. Hopefully if other Olympic Champions come to the show they will show more strength than she did.

2nd person that I could not stand was Kenny. My brothers being gamers (I'm not to bad myself) I didn't think I would mind him that much; but I really think what bothered me the most was his long finger nails on his skinny body. Kind of reminded me of the cadavers in the UofU lab where they were just skin and bones yet their fingernails continued to grow. EW still gives me the chills!

Those two seemed to be running the game for a while and I promised myself that if it was them in the final 2 this would be my last season of watching but to my great surprise Crystal got voted out and I knew Kenny would be next. YES I got my second chance with survivor and I could again watch it with passion. Even though my idle top three would have been Sugar, Bob and Matty; at least I got 2 of my favorites in there.

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