Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Do you want smore?

Some more what? smore! How can I have more if I haven't even had any! You're killing me smalls!!

Well I've never been on to really fancy a smore. I love roasting the mallow but eating it?... never been one to really enjoy that. I'd always force my nicely browned mallow onto someone else to eat.

Well last weekend Jon and I went camping with his sister and they put reeses peanut butter cups on their smores. Forget this hersheys chocolate thing. A reeses!! A little bit of heaven! Oh boy was it delicious!!! Thank you Alisa, now I can officaly say I want S'MORE!


kbrown726 said...

I know exactly what you mean about the toasting thing. I just have never really been a fan of Mallows in general.

Peter and Katie said...

did you not try it up at the gorge? they were delicious. they are good with caramellos and snickers too