Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 4: Blog Challenge

day 4: meaning behind your blog name

I think it's pretty self explanatory; Jon & Bre Thorpe. Thats me and my hubby. Maybe I should have thought of something more original so that I could write something?

I've started having a personal trainer at Golds Gym. Wow I used to think ladders in soccer practice was the worst. Is it horrible after 7 minutes I turn to him begging for us to be done? I thought I wasn't in bad shape, but wow. It is definitely insane but I'm learning a lot. And learning a lot that I don't have much self determination and I really need someone yelling at me so I don't give up... at least when it comes to fitness. Watch out everyone driving around me, I can hardly lift my arms to make a left hand turn.


Diane said...

I wish I had determination in the exercise arena. That's why I use a treadmill - it forces me to keep going at a certain speed.

ashley said...

have you ever noticed you and jon some what smile the same?!